#CTAEdelievers amazing students in @GriffinSpalding. Ayla Spencer is a great example!
12 months ago, GSCS CTAE
Show the LOVE! Our teachers and staff are committed to serving Griffin-Spalding County students. Sometimes, we may forget to show our gratitude or appreciation. On Valentine’s Day, we're encouraging fellow employees, parents, students and community members to show love to each other using Let's Talk! Consider giving a dedicated teacher some praise, recognizing a passionate administrator or shouting out any staff member who has impacted you in any way! Click this link: https://www.k12insight.com/Lets-Talk/dialogue.aspx?k=PKXF91R9B7LT@WTXY2NLT@MDLT@DY8N3Y3LT@LDLT@NDLT There's no substitute for kind words and encouragement!
12 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
#CTAEdelievers amazing students in @GriffinSpalding. My'Kael Phillips is a great example!
12 months ago, GSCS CTAE
GSCS seeks Gifted Advisory Council members. Members will meet from March to May to identify areas of strengths and areas of improvement to help guide future practices. Apply from Feb. 12-26 at: https://forms.gle/B3S75yr5eDMGGSMy7
12 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
GSCS 5K Run/Walk - Saturday, March 23, 2024 Register at https://gofan.co/event/1310884?schoolId=GA5048 or https://gofan.co/event/1310884
12 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
run walk
#CTAEdelievers in @GriffinSpalding Engineering! Students have been working to prepare for their competitive Egg Drop Competition! All students did a great job preparing and the winner is Bradley White!
12 months ago, GSCS CTAE
Dual Enrollment!!! Last call to register for classes at Griffin Region College & Career Academy for the 24/25 School Year. Check your Email for more details and to register! https://t2m.io/GRCCARegistrationRSVP2425 Last two registration events at GRCCA Feb 13 and Feb 15 5:30 p.m.
12 months ago, Adam Pugh
Feb 13 and Feb 15 at 5:30 p.m. - Registration Events for GRCCA - Last Call
Tomorrow, Saturday February 10, 2024 is the Kiwanis Griffin Pancake Day Event. All you can eat pancakes and sausage for $8 online at https://www.kiwanisofgriffin.com/shop/ Kiwanis Fairgrounds - 1025 South Hill Street Griffin, GA 30224. Provides college scholarships!
12 months ago, Adam Pugh
Kiwanis Pancake Day Saturday, Feb 10 - 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1025 South hill St. Griffin, GA
In @GriffinSpalding we love our CTSOs (Career Technical Student Organizations)! We offer @georgiafbla @GeorgiaHOSA @GeorgiaFCCLA @SkillsUSA_GA and @georgiaTSA @GeorgiaCTAE #CTAEDelivers
12 months ago, GSCS CTAE
This week is National School Counseling Week (#NSCW24)! This is a great time to recognize our school counselors and highlight their tremendous impact on helping our students achieve school success and plan for their future. Thank you, school counselors, for actively helping students examine their abilities, strengths, interests and talents. Thank you for partnering with parents and teachers to help students realize their potential and set healthy, realistic and optimistic aspirations for themselves. School counselors are an integral part of our schools and district. Thank you for all that you do!
12 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
GSCS school counselor names
GRCCA's partnerships are amazing! Thanks Mike for strategically assisting in making all students aware of GRCCA's pathway to Aviation maintenance career!
12 months ago, Lakisha Bonner
delta presents
delta one on one
In @GriffinSpalding we love our partnerships! @CityofGriffin Mayor Doug Hollberg came to @GriffinHS and delivered a proclamation for CTAE Month in February with @SayItLoudSupt @GeorgiaCTAE #CTAEDelivers
12 months ago, GSCS CTAE
In @GriffinSpalding #CTAEDelivers loves our JROTC pathway and the impact that it has on our students. We especially love it when our students come back to visit. @GeorgiaCTAE
about 1 year ago, GSCS CTAE
Save the Date for 2024-25 GSCS Pre-K Registration: February 27-March 11, 2024
about 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
pre-k registration dates
In @GriffinSpalding #CTAEDelivers programs that are relatable to STEM careers in @GeorgiaCTAE like Allied Health, Sports Medicine, Carpentry, Programming Apps and Games, just to name a few!
about 1 year ago, GSCS CTAE
In @GriffinSpalding #CTAEDelivers real options and work-force ready skills for ALL students for college and rewarding careers! @GeorgiaCTAE
about 1 year ago, GSCS CTAE
Let's celebrate CTE or CTAE this month! How did Career Technical Education Start?
about 1 year ago, GSCS CTAE
We Honor Black History February and always.
about 1 year ago, Adam Pugh
Black History Month
February is also #CTEMonth! GSCS has some incredible instructors who make a difference in our students' lives each day! What is CTE or CTAE?
about 1 year ago, GSCS CTAE
January is #NationalMentoringMonth and GSCS is thankful for mentors. Thank you, Dora, for serving and making a difference! If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact Kathy Rhodes - Kathy@spaldingcollaborative.com.
about 1 year ago, Adam Pugh
GSCS Mentor Spotlight