Please help the GHS Band of Gold receive $10,000.00 for the band program! VOTE at Voting is unlimited, but only one vote per person, per hour, will be accepted. Voting ends tomorrow, Friday, August 11, at 5 PM.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
band challenge logo
Reminder: Friday, August 18, is an at-home learning day for all GSCS students.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Keyboard with @ Home Learning Day Friday, August 18
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Griffin-Spalding County Schools! It's everything Griffin-Spalding County Schools, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
web and app marketing instagram post
The GHS Band of Gold, under the direction of Mr. Daniel Goodmond, entered the 1-800 TruckWreck 3rd Annual Greater Atlanta Band Challenge this summer. Bands submitted a performance video, as well as a brief bio of the program. I am happy to announce that the GHS Band of Gold has been selected as a Top 10 Finalist! Please help the GHS Band of Gold secure one of the top 3 spots in order to receive $10,000.00 for the band program, which is provided by the Witherite Law Group & 1-800 TruckWreck. You may vote for the GHS Band of Gold using the following link: Voting is unlimited, but only one vote per person, per hour, will be accepted. Voting began today, Monday, July 31, at 10 AM and will end on Friday, August 11, at 5 PM.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Hriffin High logo and music note
GSCS Student Registration Time is Officially Here! New student registration (including Kindergarten students) may be done using our Online Registration System at: In-person registration may also be done starting Wednesday, July 12 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Central Registration Building located at 234 E. Taylor Street. If you have any questions, please contact Central Registration at 470-771-4259 or via email at
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
computer and note card with registration on it
Don't forget that the bell schedule has changed for the 2023-24 school year. This schedule will begin on the first day of school which is Tuesday, August 1.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
2023-24 GSCS Bell schedule
Mark your calendars! Open House for the 2023-24 school year will be on Thursday, July 27 from 3-7 p.m. at all GSCS schools.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Open House July 27 3-7PM at all GSCS schools
Check out the 2023-24 GSCS School Calendar here:
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
calendar with logo