Dear Griffin Region College & Career Academy (GRCCA) families, The Drop/Add timeline has passed, and all students should be in their desired classes. We understand that challenges may arise during your courses, and we want to provide you with the necessary resources to succeed. Please see tutoring resources, accommodations directions, as well as additional information below.
Tutoring at GRCCA
Since many college course concepts build on standards from week to week we highly advise any student that would benefit from tutoring to notify us. Students will be offered tutoring upon request, there are the following options for our students:
All GRCCA Students have access to Peer Tutoring which will be offered in the GRCCA Student Center as needed. Please see Ms. Williamson in the students center for more information.
Southern Crescent Technical College students have access to tutoring at: - Face-to-face and virtual tutoring services are available to ALL SCTC students. Students may schedule two 30-minute appointments per week per subject.
FREE on-demand, online tutoring through This service is easy to use and can be accessed on any device that connects to the Internet. Tutors are available to you 24/7
Gordon College students have access to tutoring at: - One on One appointments with a professional academic counselor / One on One individual and small group tutoring with trained peer tutors
Middle Georgia State University students have access to tutoring at: - Writing center and tutoring with trained peer tutors.
Special Needs and Other Accommodations:
Please see below for additional information about:
High School Courses - All high school courses provide appropriate accommodations as stated in students IEP/504 or other plans.
Dual Enrolment Courses - All accommodations must be approved and administered by the appropriate college. Please see link below to our college partners’ accommodations resources:
GAFutures Announcement
All students should complete their GAFutures application annually in order to receive funding. Failing to do so will result in the family absorbing the cost for dual enrollment tuition, etc. Please review the names on the smart board as you enter the GRCCA foyer. If you see your name go to to apply for dual enrollment funding. Attention Male Students - Federal law requires males, between the ages of 18 to 25, living in the US, to register with the Selective Service System in order to receive dual enrollment funding. All males 18+ years old should register at
Withdrawal Announcement
In addition, I’d like to remind you of the Georgia Student Finance Commision Withdrawal Policy that states “A student is no longer eligible to continue to receive dual enrollment program funding after withdrawing from Dual Enrollment course(s) two (2) times.” Therefore, if you drop, or withdraw, from a class it will count against you and could possibly hinder you from taking dual enrollment courses in the future. So it is important that you successfully complete the courses that you are registered to take at the GRCCA.
GRCCA Dress Code
GRCCA has dress code guidelines in place to promote professionalism and create a suitable environment for various activities, including hosting business meetings and guests. These guidelines typically aim to teach students about appropriate attire for different settings, including the workplace. While some outfits acceptable at your high school are not allowed at the GRCCA, mainly apparel deemed inappropriate in the workplace. This is a just a reminder of what was covered in the orientation and students have been reminded each day that the following apparel would be inappropriate for the workplace and thus doesn't follow our dress code: tank tops, pants not belted at the waist, leggings with a long top over them, tight fitting clothing, pants/jeans with holes/ frays, mini skirts/dresses, off shoulder tops/dresses, sheer clothing, crop-tops low-cut clothing, hat/hoodies worn in the building, etc.
Again, we are excited about having you at the Griffin Region College & Career Academy. If you have any questions please contact us via "Let's Talk" by clicking the following link,
Chad D. Pruitt 8/27/23
GRCCA CEO/Principal